The Difference Between SEM and SEO, Explained by a Marketing Expert

The Difference Between SEM and SEO, Explained by a Marketing Expert

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are both techniques to get people to find your website. But what exactly is SEM? What is SEO? What is the difference between them? I’m here to explain exactly what SEM and SEO are and why they are both...
Top Digital Marketing Trends to watch for 2022

Top Digital Marketing Trends to watch for 2022

The world of digital marketing moves at neck breaking speed. Just as we get used to doing something a certain way, there is an update, the algorithm changes or a new social media platform pops up. It is difficult to stay on top of all the changes, but to stay relevant...
I know nothing about Digital Marketing – where do I start?

I know nothing about Digital Marketing – where do I start?

What even IS Digital Marketing? What does it include? Well, in simple terms, it’s any marketing activity that uses electronic media to promote its messages. So that includes email, websites, Google, Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc) and even text...
Promoting a business locally…7 easy ideas

Promoting a business locally…7 easy ideas

If your primary customers are in your local geographical area, that is a great opportunity for you to do effective local marketing. Heres 7 ideas that won’t break the bank, to bring more local traffic to your business: Flyers – ok that sounds obvious, but...
What’s a marketing strategy and why do you need one?

What’s a marketing strategy and why do you need one?

It’s basically a plan of WHAT you will sell, WHO you will sell it to and HOW you will sell it to them. Ever heard the saying – fail to plan – plan to fail? Well its true! To get the best out of your business you need to set some goals and work out a...
5 reasons why you need a website NOT JUST a facebook page?

5 reasons why you need a website NOT JUST a facebook page?

Not everyone is on Facebook! And as the social media giant grows, more people are losing trust and jumping ship. So you are missing out on customers if you only have a facebook page You don’t own your facebook page – you are just borrowing it from Mr Zuckerberg,...
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